The International encounter of artists, Art Tolox, was born in 2016 as a result of a neighbourhood initiative, which was supported from the outset by the municipality. Art Tolox has traditionally been held on the third weekend of September, during which the participating artists make their works “in situ”, scattered throughout different locations within the municipalitywith the idea that neighbours and visitors can contemplate the process of creating the works, an expression of art generally hidden from the eyes of spectators. This international meeting of artists is a new concept of art in which tradition and contemporary art go hand in hand. Year after year these works have been donated to the municipality, helping to create an open-air museum, free and open 365 days a year.
A part of the DNA of this artists’ meeting has been to defocus contemporary art in cities to bring it to the interior of Andalusia.
Art Tolox has not only received local and national artists, such as Mr. Chapu, a sculptor and muralist from Alicante who has been present in most of the Spanish and Central American competitions, or Roberto Cantero, former member of the musical group Chambao who came to Art Tolox to merge his saxophone with electronic music, but continues to receive international artists such as Secreto Rebollo, a Mexican graffiti artist with a well-established career in his country of origin, California and northern Europe. Or Chameleon Amour, an Australian plastic artist who left us his work in one of the streets of the municipality.
But in Art Tolox many more artistic aspects have been arriving, such as the actress Anita Janer and her micro-theatres for children and adults, or the consolidated singer from Extremadura, Manuel Alienigena who came to present his new album. Without forgetting the beautiful flamenco evenings offered by the local guitarist Pedro Guerra, or the spectacular interventions in urban furniture by the artist Rafa Vera, as well as workshops offered by different artists, break-dance sessions, dance shows, theatre, jazz evenings, children’s workshops, screenings and many more examples of artistic activities which have paraded through Art Tolox. More than 140 philanthropic artists have made this project germinate.
In short, Art Tolox arises with the aim of showing art as an expression or feeling of the human being.
This international meeting of artists is also a unique opportunity to further embellish this beautiful municipality and give it another stamp of identity. The artists who participate each year have made possible a beautiful fusion between artists, locals and visitors in this unique environment known as the Sierra de las Nieves National Park.